Tag Archives: laurie ruth olson

Alee (New Poem from May 1, 2013)

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At times in my mind
So perfectly locked away – so freeLove never dies, it sails at night
Free from sailing and crying
From flailing and worry
The slight tinnitus rings
Like a billion faint nano-locusts

Times of inner peace amid global turmoil
God is present, biding, tending
Lending a loving hand
Guiding this ship captain through
Rocks, reefs, mortal enemies, and Djinni
Nailing whitecaps at full sail

Alee I sit in my mind
Pondering the mundane, the obtuse
The infinite, and the unlikely
Nascently seeking uncharted waters
Beauteous mermaids and angels
To break the heart of darkness

Shattered so strongly sending fifty million
Diamond splinters raining upward and outward
To light the infinite sky
With reminders of Love’s courage
To show that someone cared so much
A universe, born of fury, chasing forever away

Joseph Wooldridge
Tuesday, April 30, 2013 @11:54am.

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