Tag Archives: google fiber olathe

“Move Over Rover” – Google Fiber Is Coming To Olathe, Kansas!

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Google Fiber has announced that Olathe, KS is on the slate to receive Google Fiber’s 1,000Mbs Internet Service. We Love it!

Google Fiber Olathe MyJoeCard

We are very excited that Google Fiber will be coming to Olathe, KS! Seriously, 100 Times faster than normal broadband Internet service is hard to fathom – we can easily imagine 2x faster or even 10x faster . . . . At the absolutely excellent rates Google Fiber is being offered at – there is NO REASON why someone shouldn’t be jumping-up-and-down excited to choose one of the packages they are offering.

Now you can get the new Google Fiber MyJoeCards. They are available at some of the newer CardCenters (like All Tech Electric & Contracting or Villa Medici Apartments).

As well you can order 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 or 100 and we will mail them directly to you. Let us know if you are having a special event for your neighborhood as well.

To order online click here.

We are very excited that Google Fiber will be coming to Olathe, KS! Seriously, 100 Times faster than normal broadband Internet service is hard to fathom – we can easily imagine 2x faster or even 10x faster . . . . At the absolutely excellent rates Google Fiber is being offered at – there is NO REASON why someone shouldn’t be jumping-up-and-down excited to choose one of the packages they are offering.

Check out Google Fiber online here: google.com/fiber

See Google Fiber at MyJoeCard by clicking here.

If you are very interested in Google Fiber, you should inquire about being an ‘Ambassador’ or ‘Advocate’ for your area or neighborhood. Visit this page: https://fiber.google.com/tell/ to access flyers to pass out for your neighborhood and more info on helping champion a very exciting and worthy cause.

Google Fiber's First Neighborhood Launch Party 20120929_172040
Google Fiber’s First Neighborhood Launch Party in Kansas City on September 29th, 2012. With Fur and Joe.

I can’t think of many things more exciting than having the World’s most amazing Internet Service across all areas of greater Kansas City . . . and then the rest of the United States.

Beautiful stuff. Historic events.

Have a great weekend!



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