Providence Rolling

A Golden Age is coming
For me, for you – for us.
Gone are bad things and bad ways,
Bad habits are miles back.
Can’t you hear the ringing?
In your ears – Angels singing
Praise upon praise of effervescent Glory
Coming this way now.
The future’s bright sun rises up the road
Meeting our shining eyes and bright faces
Expectant we are – as all is found
All is Saved, Heaven! This way!
Oh don’t you dare think you’re dreaming child,
It is served up here and there,
All planes and all lanes, panes and facets
Providence rolling for the World.
Joe Wooldridge
Friday, July 8th, 2011 at 3:54am.
Hey Joe,
Does your portrait on this page indicate that you are in your right mind since you are looking to the left? As you may know, the right side of the brain is associated with art, among other creative attributes. Perhaps the message was subconscious?
😉 Thank you sir!!
I just put your web site to my favorites. I’m keen on browsing your articles. Ty!