Tag Archives: i miss you so much

Lightening Up the Night (New Poem: May 12th, 2015)

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Lightening Up the Nighttwo in love

It’s all so temporary, our visit here
Raging storms of misery are so unnecessary
Grudges hold no value and Love is golden forever
A simple smile to all that pass your way
A good deed, a word of kindness
There are far too few of these arrows in flight
Stay the night, stay for the night
Stay with me all night, because I never let you go.

Joe Wooldridge
Tuesday, May 12th, 2015 at 12:06am.

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Laurie-esse’ de Bercail (Amant de Rêve)

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Laurie-esse’ de Bercail (Amant de Rêve)

yes, visitor. my soul is connected,  dream lover, she visits unbidden or bidden? my true love visits me in dreams. LRO
quantum mind notified
of a love growing old

i’ve an old love that never dies
you’re seven times harder to quit
binding my heart and vibrant

you trapped within your cocoon
and i wrapped inside my void
down deserted aisles

dream visitor aware
it’s so hard to talk, my love
haunting me with home

Joe Wooldridge
Wednesday, December 10th, 2014 @ 12:00am

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