Tag Archives: gena gershon

An Alleluia Dressed In Black (New Poem from March 2, 2013)

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An Alleluia Dressed In Blackjulie ann palmer, kristen lamourie, joan severance, sabrina gibson

Hey dynamite, lightly-tousled Angel-sprite
Did you levitate the night?
Elegance saunters, subtle swagger
I want to know about this river
When it runs so fierce a current
And lays aside cool eddying pools.

Sent from mountains far away
After falling from the sky
Nourishing gift from Heaven
– prayed for, danced for
Dressed in thunder
Heralded by lightning skies.

Delicate pearls of life
Driven by myriad winds
– to awaken
– to remember
– to send doubt running . . .
A torrent.

An Alleluia dressed in black,
Washing away the drought of fears,
Pattering on the roof of the mind,
Melodies to the surrounded, easily
The most gorgeous thing I have ever seen.

Joseph Wooldridge
Saturday, March 2nd, 2013 @2:55am.

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